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Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje, Višja strokovna šola, Ljubljanska cesta 97, 3000 Celje

Erasmus Policy Statement


Institutional strategy of participation is made according to the strategic course of the Higher vocational college (HVC) and fundamental principles and priorities of the new Programme period 2021-2027 of the European Charter of Higher Education (ECHE) which defines basic framework of quality for participation of the institutions in European and international projects.

School for horticulture and visual arts is a professional educational institution in the fields of horticulture and visual communication and merchandising. Learning takes place on secondary as well as tertiary level.  Study programmes on tertiary level are Horticulture and Visual communication and merchandising. The two-year study programme of horticulture puts special emphasis on environmental protection and organic production of plants for human consumption, decorative herbaceous and woody plants as well as designing and maintaining indoor and outdoor living environment. The programme follows market needs and enables students acquiring special knowledge and increasing competitiveness on the labour market what is also one of main aims. By establishing firm partner relations with businesses and other institutions, the institution transfers theoretical knowledge into practice and is in accordance with European standards. The two-year study programme of Visual communication and merchandising encourages marketing activities and protection of the environment with environmentally friendly use of materials and recycling.

The strategy of mobility of Higher Vocational College follows the course stated in Long-term development plan and the vision of the HVC. The strategy especially stresses qualitative and internationally oriented educational processes as well as enhancement of research and its international integration. HVC wishes to become internationally well established, qualitative and socially responsible institution.

The institution has established relations with the network of partner organizations where our students can do practical training in accordance with the course catalogue. We have good personal relationship with the people in partner organizations abroad and that enables productive communication and consequently creating suitable conditions for the work of students. We ensure good mentoring, assistance with accommodation and we establish contacts with other partner organizations. Partner schools abroad help us in making contacts with companies just as well as our lecturers who participate in international competitions, exhibitions, conferences and other meetings abroad. Students can choose a company on their own initiative and establish the first contact. Later, after being given the contact details, the institution proceeds with administrative and organizational part of the agreement. The same applies for the mobility of staff.

We will promote internationally focused training, learning and research, as well as interdisciplinarity of education. Transfer of good practices into local community,  Savinjska region, and Slovenia is vital. We will promote active citizenship of outbound students and staff. As well as this, we will include incoming participants of the mobility into other activities of the institution, such as educational processes, professional conferences and workshops.

HVC supports the upgrading contemporary study programmes with possibilities of offering a number of courses in foreign languages and online distance learning. We wish to maintain active members in already established partnerships of Flornet and Florint, as well as enlarge the network of partnerships with new members (educational institutions, businesses, botanical gardens, homes for the elderly, etc.).  We will make access to international projects of the key study fields available to each staff member and thus enhance quality education of both study programmes. Students’ and graduates’ mobility achievements will become integrated into research development projects. Establishment of an alumni club of the mobility participants is a priority for the purposes of knowledge transfer, promotion of mobility projects, research spirit and active citizenship. Contribution to our institution is also contribution to business world of horticulture and visual communication and merchandising as well as general economy as we strive to provide sustainability of projects results. In accordance with study programmes and new guideline of environmentally friendly practices, the students and the staff’s mission will be focused on the protection of the environment in all supporting mobility activities.

Following the Erasmus+ principles, research development projects and the vision of the institution, we will implement digital technology in educational and administrative processes, in line with the technical standards, starting with Erasmus without paper and European Student Card initiative.

We will promote participation in research development mobility projects Erasmus+ among students and staff. We will put special emphasis to those with fewer opportunities. One of the most important goals is ensuring high quality mobility and thus progress of the institution; increase the number of participating students and staff. An important aspect is also administrative support, covering availability of information, finding contacts and suitable accommodation, providing assistance when required as well as undertaking activities to achieve necessary level of linguistic proficiency and develop intercultural competences.  We will also put special attention to selection procedures for mobility procedures to ensure equal and transparent and documented treatment.

We will ensure monitoring for all participants and equal inclusion of potential incoming students and staff into our academic and every-day life by providing mentor support, linguistic assistance and any other help.

After mobility we will ensure all mobility achievement are fully and automatically recognized and will be stated in Diploma Supplement. We will provide incoming students and their sending institutions with transcripts of records and a certificate attesting the activities that have been carried out.

Student mobility for traineeships will be fully recognized with 13 ECTS. Active participation in KA2 projects can be rewarded with 5 ECTS (as elective course). The staff can use certificates of mobility for their promotion of career or/and gaining/extending habilitation. Students and staff can actively participate in annual professional conferences and consequently use accreditation of achievements as a job reference (students) or career promotion (staff).

Our aim is to ensure high quality mobility experience for both, students and staff. Such projects are of great importance as they contribute to one’s professional knowledge, language competences, flexibility, and capability to assimilate into new social environments among others. They have benefits for the institution as well. They contribute to recognizability at home and abroad